Meeting you exactly where you’re at: Private 1:1 Counseling
*If you work for a social institution and reside in Germany, find my services here.*
Hey there fellow helper. Thanks for being here. What I’d love to know from you is:
Do you feel…
- irritable and less patient toward your clients?
- unable to take enough breaks?
- unappreciated and left alone by the workplace that’s supposed to support you?
- like you won’t be able to do continue on in this line of work if nothing changes?
- like your body is saying “This isn’t working anymore.”?
- fatigued and exhausted?
Or maybe you…
- are so used to putting everyone else’s needs before your own that you don’t remember your own?
- constantly feel stressed and overwhelmed by your demanding role as a helper?
- feel stuck in a job that drains your energy, stresses you out, and moves you toward burnout?
- are losing your sense of self-confidence and agency?
If you answered YES to any of these questions: You’re not alone.
In fact, many of your colleagues in helping professions feel the same way.
And I’m here to help you.

When I myself struggled with stress and overwhelm during my first job in a helping profession, I had no choice but to get private counseling. During this process, I was able to understand some of the ways my mind functions that were an obstacle in taking good care of myself.
I wanted to feel more balanced and connected, so I could be there for myself, my clients, and my loved ones. With lots of trial and error, I found my way.
Now I’m here to support you. I give you the tools to tend to your mental and emotional health and help you cope with stress, burnout, compassion fatigue, or secondary trauma.
I’m committed to help you find a sustainable self-care practice.
One that allows you to…
- do the important work you do in this world for the long-run
- feel present with your clients and patients because you’re centered in yourself
- connect to yourself, find joy and balance at work, and let that be a ripple effect that influences the lives of those you help
Private 1:1 Counseling
How you experience stress and overwhelm is different to how anyone else experiences it. This means that your self-care needs to be individualized as well.
What kind of self-care you need at which point of your life highly depends on your specific situation and the resources available to you. It’s an ever-evolving process to listen to ourselves and figure out what we need right now, and what we can let go of.
That’s where I come in.

In our private one-on-one setting, we have the chance to go deep.
And while I’ll give suggestions as to which topics we can work on, I encourage you to claim this time as yours to use for whatever it is that you need.
My approach is trauma-informed and greatly incorporates mindfulness as a tool for stress management.
I work in a culturally-sensitive manner and consider how the system you work and live in influences your well-being.
To give you an idea, here are some of the topics we may get into if you decide to work with me (our work is neither defined by nor limited to these examples).
Depending on your specific situation, we may…
- identify your stressors
- explore your needs
- discover your resources
- analyze the structures you move in and find out how they’re supporting or hindering you
- uncover destructive behaviors
- explore your limiting beliefs
- learn to set and keep boundaries
- discover your values
- identify your personal warning signs
- practice self-care techniques and tools and find a self-care practice that works for you
- find out what you need in order to adapt to a new situation in your work or private life
- help you make an important decision about your job (“Should I stay or should I go?“)
- befriend your inner critic
Most importantly, you need to know that I’ll meet you exactly where you’re at.
While I want to give you knowledge and tools to work with, I also acknowledge that, ultimately, you’re the one making the decisions about what works for you.
This private counseling is NOT for you if you...
- aren’t ready to take resposibility for your mental and emotional health
- don’t feel worthy of attention and compassion
- aren’t willing to prioritize your well-being
FAQs Private 1:1 Counseling
We’ll meet for 60 minutes per session.
We’ll meet weekly or bi-weekly, depending on your needs. If you work in shifts, we’ll try to find a way to schedule accordingly.
The sessions are held online. You will receive access to a link before our sessions, using a secure video platform. You’ll need access to a strong internet connection and a device with a camera (computer, tablet, or smartphone).
It’s crucial that you have a private, quiet, and safe space available for the duration of our sessions. Earphones can help create a sense of privacy. I encourage you to prepare a space in which you feel comfortable, as this is one of the benefits of online counseling.
Depending on how many spaces are available at a certain time, there may be a short wait before we can start working together. Once you contact me, I’ll let you know about my current availability and, if applicable, to organize a free 30-minute exploration call.
The call is a chance for us to get to know each other, for you to share what you’d like me to know about your situation and your decision to begin counseling, and ask questions. There’s no obligation to start counseling with me, and the call is an opportunity to decide if we’re a good fit.
If we decide to work together, we’ll meet for our initial session. This one serves as an opportunity for me to get to know you and your situation better, and we can discuss some possible goals you may have. I’ll also send you some paperwork that we both need to sign before we begin. We then can agree on a weekly time to meet.
No. If you want to learn the skills you need before you find yourself in a difficult situation, you’re very welcome to our time together in this way, too. Together, we could look at some warning signs and skills you may benefit from.
No. The counseling I offer is an ongoing process that ends whenever you feel that it should. That’s because I believe our journeys are so individual that they shouldn’t have a predefined endpoint. However, I do recommend a container of a minimum of 3 months, and ideally 6 months, in order for you to be able to apply whatever we explore together to your life.
Each 60-minute session is priced at 95 Euros. Depending on your situation, I may encourage you to try to get a refund for (part of) our sessions from your employer. We can explore together what this can look like.
I will send you a monthly invoice with the sessions we’ve had the previous month. Payment is due within 7 days of receipt of the invoice.
Finishing our counseling sessions is possible at any time. However, I ask you bring it up ahead of time, so we can plan the end of the counseling as well as set one session aside dedicated to bringing our process together to an end.
Sessions that are cancelled by you up to 24 hours before the agreed time will not be billed.
I offer counseling both in English and German.

Contact me for a
free 30-minute
exploration call
The content I share on my website, in my newsletter, on my Instagram account, and through my services is not intended to serve as medical advice or replace any form of medical diagnosis or treatment. The counseling I offer is not a substitute for a consultation with a physician or psychotherapy, nor is it intended to replace it. Rather, it deals with coping with situations outside of medicine. You should always consult with your physician before altering or changing any aspect of your medical treatment. Do not stop or change any prescription medications without the guidance and advice of your physician. My goal is to share educational information and offer suggestions that I feel may be helpful. However, it’s not possible for me to know whether these will help you personally. My content should not be treated as personal advice. Any use of the content is based on your good judgment and is your responsibility. If you would like to explore working with me, please email me at or use the contact form on this website. Thank you for being here and for sharing your valuable time with me. May my work be of benefit to you, wherever you are in your own journey.